WWE 2K17 download torrent
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WWE 2k17 combines elements of the tale combat battle game that most resembles the effect of WWE games than any other on the market. You can play a variety of different combinations, rise from the fight moreThe wrestlers behind the stage, create your own character and play as WWE Star. I saw how MyCareer drive your character through ups and downs of a career in wrestling, hoping not just to win but to win the crowd.
filter settingAt the successful
GameWWE 2K17 Improvement of the previous game. The most important change is, new stars appeared in the competition; You must be excited crowd, while keeping tensions and fighting diversity, instead, make best attack and over, until, pin up. Other new features are a major role for the manager and the ability to cut actions through the menu conversation mouth. If you liked Showcase 2k16 the content, disappointed because this device a lotStory.
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In the language of struggle, a “Smark” – a “smart tag” – a fan, you know in the world of the flash and still love a good game to sehen.Ist so, are you the pleasure of struggle And drama in the WWE 2k17.
WWE2K15 finally arrives on the PC, because it is on consoles since October October. The computer adds so much to the game content that can be downloaded in a single package that really good Wert.Aber the delayIn disclosing the damage to the attractiveness of this harbor?
main events
WWE fans already know the story behind this game. The hope is that with the 2K Sport now a committee, franchise will experience a long-awaited solution. Animation, sound and form of letters of the new list of renewal.
Unfortunately, this is not what the fans get the WWE. Instead, 2K Sport bought the idea (developer of their NBA title) to polish the game and face-lift, but the themeLeft. The result was a good game until you start playing. Well, not being confused that the road WWE 2K15 and WWE 2K14 play, is the problem that fans are looking more forward.
That is, the new version adds some new twists to the game, or it may take the direction of future refinements. This includes mechanical industry (usually only seen at the beginning of the fight), which is included in the mini- Playing scissors stone paper.The following is a relationship, delicate fruit right, the sweet faster to find your opponent, pressure tight. It seems that if he hits, but he is a gambler in the lost weight to win again several construction.
Then it is always. Protests, strikes, the same machine is tried, in danger and must know patience franchise fans and love. This usually works well with opponents and build dynamics and control the pace of the game.
open heel
However, it does not takeLong problems start. How misplaced as they run movement, superstar the handsome, fighting over more than one opponentTo often make the mistake of the competition. Sometimes this is just an inconvenience, but if fans of pen and instead block competitors from getting lost, can be lost.
Complaints about the real meWWE 2K15 was missing in this version as 2K14 or earlier versions of the console.
2K14 Presentation course of the game took more than 29 years for WrestlemainaEnWrestlemania 30 this year, so that it is replaced by two lines in the story: the collapse of the D-Generation X and Cena and CM free blowout. This works well if you are one of these features, but it lacks character symbol of the past year, resulting in an experience just weak. Fortunately, if you are playing alone, formwork rounder the ranking of the development of WWE NXT slightly offset.
The outraas in particular from WWE 2K 15 creates history. AlthoughFor this reason do not have the patience, Not from other people (until the people at least mod their hand).
My last point is that WWE 2K15 time since the console, the text lines in the project is significantly advanced. So, the game features seem strangely out of place in comparison to your current situation. Take Cesaro, who has earned a score of 93 (one of the highest) in the game), but is now available in a tag division with the device. Tyson Kidd. Most beneficialIs that CM Punk can be in the appearance of the fans of this title, the last time it appeared, it appeared in the list of WWE.
Player B +
The biggest sin is that WWE 2K15 made a false first step. I suspect the fans will enjoy the tour last year, and more effort and movement patterns. FaiMesmo this game last year – just look better. That said, perhaps next year2K Games summer pledging began to go the way further. Some are producing new onesScreen can be a long way to live life on the character to breathe visually stunning game this year.
And, maybe next year we can see a PC version released in the time more.